Salle du conseil D317, Bâtiment EGGER.
Friday April 3 2020/Vendredi 3 avril 2020
9h00 : Welcome and Coffee/Ouverture de la journée
Early Career Research Session/Session jeune recherche
Chair: Marc Calvini-Lefebvre
–Amélie Ribieras (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle): “Resisting Feminism through Discourse : a
Framing Analysis of Phyllis Schafly’s Rhetoric”
–Delphine Beaujon (Université de Lorraine): “Using Women’s Voices to Reframe the Anti-
abortion Discourse: Unplanned and Abby Johnson as the New Pro-life Weapons of the Anti-
Abortion Movement”
Coffee Break/Pause-café
– Méline Kasparian (ENS Lyon) : “A Kitchen of their Own : Alternatives to Mainstream
Feminism in Contemporary Chicana Writings”
–Mariya Nikolova (Potsdam University): “The Limits of Risk in Kathy Acker’s Kathy Goes to
12h-14h00: Lunch/Déjeuner
– Keynote/Conférence: Ronnee Schreiber (San Diego State University)
15h30-15h45: Coffee Break/ Pause-café
Contemporary Forms of Resistance to Feminism
Chair: Nicolas Boileau
-Marion Douzou (Université Lyon 2): “The Julia Learns Children Series and #1972 : a Case
Study of Antifeminism in the Tea Party Galaxy”
-Fatma Ramdani (Université de Lille): “Fighting Women’s Reproductive Health and Rights:
Trumpism at Work at the United Nations”
-Eleonore Cartellier (Université Grenoble-Alpes): “21st-Century anti Feminists”
Salle Colloque 1, Bâtiment Multimedia, T1
Saturday April 4 2020/Samedi 4 avril 2020
Antisuffragism and Antifeminism
Chair: Claire Sorin
– Rachel Nolan (University of Manchester): “‘The Anti on the Cartwheel’: Charlotte Perkins
Gilman’s War against Antifeminism, Then and Now”
– Katharina Vester (American University, Washington D.C): “An Appeal to American
Women: Discussions of Antisuffragism in Late 19th century Cookbooks”
Coffee break/Pause-café
Intersectional perspectives
Chairs: Claire Sorin and Marc Calvini-Lefèbvre
-Blandine Chelini-Pont (Aix-Marseille Université): “Midge Decter’s Denunciation of Feminism” ‘
-Jill Drouillard (East Tennessee University): “Gender Critical Feminism as a Form of
Resistance to Feminism”
-Cécile Coquet-Mokoko (Université Versailles-St Quentin) “Black Feminism and White Feminism: an Impossible Dialog?”