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Journée d’étude  GENDERED EXPRESSIONS 22 AVRIL 2021

Symposium is sponsored by

  • COST Action PIMo (CA18140): People in Motion. Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923)
  • GenderMed: Thinking Gender in the Mediterranean, MMSH-AMU Research Network
  • MMSH: Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, AMU, Aix-en-Provence
  • SoMuM: Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée, AMU MMSH, Aix-en-Provence


Gendered expressions

resistance, movement and transformative crises across The Mediterranean

In homage of Hassan ABBAS (1955 – 8 March 2021

Workshop organized by

Randi DEGUILHEM, CNRS, TELEMMe-MMSH, AMU, GenderMed, PIMo, Aix-en-Provence, France

WORKSHOP With  PIMo Working Group 2 Ideas in Motion


Using an array of primary archives: narratives, chronicles, letters, films, figurative art, websites and other means of communication, this workshop analyzes gendered expressions of resistance articulated during times of transformative crises (economic, social, political, health epidemics and pandemics, etc.) in the modern and contemporary Mediterranean. In this context, we will focus on trajectories and repercussions of movements across and within the Mediterranean during times of crisis on the local, regional, national and international levels. Movement of people signifies movement of ideas from one place to another: it is often a situation of crisis which provides conditions for cultural transfer, translation and appropriation which have fashioned the Mediterranean world and its real or imagined communities and geographies.

As concerns women and men, living through a crisis may provoke a gendered reassessment of the self as well as challenges of one’s relation to religion and other structured societal paradigms regarding the self as well as one’s place within the community and the larger society. This is especially discernible within the field of cultural perceptions and the history of ideas.

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PROGRAMME All hours are given here in CET (Central European Time) 

Introductory Welcome Remarks:
Giovanni TARANTINO, University of Florence, Italy, Chair of the PIMo Cost Action PIMo Grant Holder. Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS)
Sophie BOUFFIER, Directrice MMSH, Pu Histroire grecque AMU, Aix-en-Provence
Constance DE GOURCY, Mcf, Hdr, GenderMed Mesopolhis, AMU/ MMSH, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence, France
Chloé CHATELIN, Project manager, SoMuM, AMU

Opening Thematic Statement:


9h30-10h30   Roundtable 1


  • Chair: Nadia AL BAGDADI, Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary / Vienna, Austria
  • Hoda ELSADDA, “al-welaya haqi : New Platforms, New Voices
  • Nadya SBAITI, American U. of Beirut, Lebanon, Resistance with A Feminist Kick : The Lebanese Protests of 2019
  • Mario DOUERI, VISION, The Revolution of 17 Octobre 2019 in Lebanon : A Gendered Collective Action ?
  • Elie KALLAB Institute of Political Science, Aix-en-Provence

10h45-11h45   Roundtable 2


  • Chair: Boutheina BEN HASSINE, Sousse U., Tunisia
  • Nadezhda ALEXANDROVA, Sofia U., Bulgaria, Ideology and the couple: the notion of love in the biographies of Bulgarian women-revolutionaries
  • Bettina DENNERLEIN, D, U. Zurich, Switzerland, ecolonizing Islam. Aisha Abd al-Rahman (1913-1998) on women’s rights as human rights
  • Dónal HASSET, University College Cork, Ireland, PIMo, Resistance, Negotiation and Supplication: Algerian Women and the Aftermath of the Great War

11h45 Lunch Break

13h00-14h15   Roundtable 3


  • Chair: Juliette DUMAS, AMU, IREMAM-MMSH, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • Nisrine AL ZAHRE, EHESS Paris, France, Emma AUBIN-BOLTANSKI, CNRS, EHESS Paris, France, Charlotte AL-KHALILI, U. College, London, UK
  • Pacifisme ( سلمية ) et non-violence (لاعنف ) : actions et idées en mouvement dans la révolte syrienne
  • Valentina NAPOLITANO, IFPO Amman, Jordan, Guerre, famille et rapports de genre entre la Syrie et la Jordanie
  • Carmen GARRATON MATEU, Grenada U., Spain, Modes de résistance des femmes berbères en temps de crise.
  • Latifa EL BOUHSINI,  Rabat U., Morocco, Les organisations de défense des droits des femmes au Maroc face à la violence fondée sur le genre en temps de Coronavirus.

14h30-15h30   Roundtable 4


  • Chair: Blandine CHELINI-PONT
  • Nadje AL-ALI, Brown U., Providence, Rhode Island, USA, A transnational feminist approach to resistance and transformation: Gendered mobilization and body
  • Randi DEGUILHEM, Gendered Expressions of Citizenship: Nahda Heritage within the Syrian Revolution, The Kesh Malek Movement
  • Dawn CHATTY, Oxford U., UK, Gendered Expressions of Hospitality in Exile  

16h15-16h30 Pause 
16h30-17h45 Concluding Remarks and General Discussion

  • Chairs: Randi DEGUILHEM,
    Luisa SIMONUTTI ,CNR, ISPF, Milan, Italy, PIMo WG2 Leaderand
    Constance DE GOURCY, Mesopolhis, AMU/ MMSH, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence
  • Participants: Susan BROOMHALL, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, Hülya ADAK, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey,
    Nacira ABROUS, CNRS MMSH, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence
  • Ann THOMSON, European University Institute, Florence, Italy



  •  AMU: Aix-Marseille University
  • CNR : Consiglio Nazionalle delle Ricerche, Naples, Italy
  • CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Nationale, Paris
  • EHESS: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
  • IREMAM UMR 7310: Institut de Recherche du Monde Arabe et Musulman, MMSH-AMU
  • ISPF : Istituto per la Storia del Penserio Filosofico e Scientifico Moderne, Milan, Naples
  • Mesopolhis UMR 7064 : ​​Centre méditerranéen de sociologie, de science politique et d’histoire, Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence / CNRS / MMSH, AMU
  • MMSH: Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme/USR 3125 AMU
  • PIMo: People in Motion. Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492-1923) (COST Action CA18140)
  • SoMuM: Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée, AMU
  • TELEMMe UMR 7303: Temps, Espaces, Langage, Europe Méridionale, Méditerranée, MMSH-AMU


  • ABROUS Nacira, MMSH-AMU, CNRS, USR3125, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • ADAK Hülya, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • AL BAGDADI Nadia, Central European U. (CEU), Budapest, Hungary/Vienna, Austria
  • AL ZAHRE Nisrine, EHESS Paris, France
  • AL-ALI Nadje, Brown U., Providence, Rhode Island, USA
  • AL-KHALILI Charlotte-Loris, U. College, London, UK
  • ALEXANDROVA Nadezhda, Sofia U., Bulgaria
  • BEN HASSINE Boutheina, Sousse U., Tunisia
  • BOUFFIER Sophie, AMU, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • BROOMHALL Susan, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
  • CHATELIN Chloé, SoMuM, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • CHATTY Dawn, Oxford U., UK
  • CHELINI-PONT Blandine, AMU, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • DE GOURCY Constance, Mesopolhis, AMU/ MMSH, GenderMed, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • DEGUILHEM Randi, CNRS, TELEMMe-MMSH, AMU, GenderMed, PIMo, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • DENNERLEIN Bettina, U. Zurich, Switzerland
  • DUMAS Juliette, AMU, IREMAM-MMSH, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • EL BOUHSINI Latifa, Rabat U., Morocco
  • ELSADDA Hoda, Cairo University, The Women and Memory Forum, Egypt
  • GARRATON MATEU Carmen, Grenada U., Spain
  • HASSETT Dónal, University College Cork, Ireland, PIMo
  • KALLAB Elie, Institute of Political Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • NAPOLITANO Valentina, IFPO Amman, Jordan
  • SBAITI Nadya, American U. of Beirut, Lebanon
  • SIMONUTTI Luisa, CNR, ISPF, Milan, Italy, PIMo WG2 Leader
  • TARANTINO Giovanni, University of Florence, Italy, Chair of the PIMo Cost Action
  • THOMSON Ann, European University Institute, Florence, Italy


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